
Donate to Support Our Mission

Every dollar donated goes to support our cause and mission to provide stable housing for veterans experiencing homelessness. Through your support we can deliver aid directly to veterans in need.

Sick of nonprofits misappropriating funds? We are too. HRP has strict financial controls and offers 100% transparency where all of donations go. We pass our audits, unlike the Pentagon.

Sick of federal funds going overseas while our veterans are without shelter and a place to call home? We are too. The HRP is designed to fix what the government can’t. We meet veterans where they’re at and get every cent out of the dollars we are donated.

Sick of seeing veteran suicide rates making headlines every year? We are too. Mental health is a top priority for the HRP. Secure and stable housing is the foundation for mental health. Once housed, veterans can begin their mental health treatment and get back to what matters.

If you align with our values, we ask that you contribute what you can so we can continue to bring this vital resource to veterans throughout Arizona and eventually the nation. Thank you for your support.

Donating Made Easy

Your Contribution Matters

No matter the size, every donation is a step towards a brighter future for our veterans. Join us in creating a legacy of support, gratitude, and empowerment for those who have served our country.

Donate today and be a part of the Home of Record Project – where every act of kindness reverberates through the lives of our veterans. Together, let’s make a difference.

501(c)(3) Status

Our nonprofit organization has obtained 501(c)(3) status under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. This designation is granted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to organizations that meet specific criteria and are recognized as tax-exempt charitable entities. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we are exempt from federal income tax, and donations made to our organization may be tax-deductible for donors.

Maintaining our 501(c)(3) status requires us to adhere to certain regulations and fulfill annual reporting requirements to the IRS. This includes providing financial statements, disclosing certain activities, and demonstrating compliance with the rules governing tax-exempt organizations.

By achieving 501(c)(3) status, we have demonstrated our commitment to transparency, accountability, and social impact. This legal structure enables us to maximize our ability to serve our community and make a positive difference in the lives of our beneficiaries.